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Date Night, in 3-D

Now In 3-D.

Like many aspects of technology, I have been very slow and hesitant to hop on this 3-D craze. Honestly I am still just starting my blue-ray collection and learning how to play video games. Sure, there were movies I would have liked to have seen in 3-D but I just never got around to it or never had enough interest to bother with going to see it in the theater. Admittedly, I am a snob, if Black Swan had been in 3-D or The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo had been in 3-D, I would have checked it out a long time ago.

Star Wars though, seemed like the perfect first 3-D experience. So we called a date night, ended up playing trivia in the bar of the restaurant we went to and found out that we really aren’t as smart as we think we are and then went over to the theater. There was a herd of teenagers when we got there and we looked at each other and rolled our eyes thinking they were going to the same movie as us. It was the exact reason why we usually just stay home. Luckily though, they went and watched something else, there was barely anyone watching the Phantom Menace with us. It was peaceful and we got to enjoy our over-priced candy and our nice buzz in the furthest row, like cute couples like us are supposed to do on date night.

Him and I had both seen the movie a million times and thought that 3-D was going to be pretty special. Honestly, the most effective 3-D moment was with the scrolling words at the beginning, the whole long ago in a galaxy far, far away part. Sure, the pod race was cool looking and a few other parts were really big and spectacular but over all I don’t get the fuss over 3-D. For the most part, I was left sitting there wondering how long it was going to take before all these geniuses who created this new wondrous technology are getting sued because people ended up with brain damage or they went blind.

The way my head felt after had little to do with the margarita I had earlier with dinner. I figure it’s a matter of time now that everyone has 3-D TV’s in their houses and they play video games in 3-D too. It can’t be good. Like all these prescription drugs that are now causing all sorts of problems now, it seems like eventually we are going to find out that there wasn’t enough research done in the long term effects. But, what do I know.

Ever since those first three Star Wars movies have come out, everyone has been pretty harsh on poor Jar Jar Binks. I don’t get it though, I think he is cute and he was even cuter in 3-D honestly. Clumsy and accident prone, I sort of feel for him. He doesn’t know when to shut up either so, we have a lot in common to be honest. On opening night when it first came out, I was offered some mushrooms by a hippy chick sitting next to me, even though I was there with my grandmother and some other ‘family’ I took her up on her offer. It was not enough to really make me trip, it was just a happy, floating place that could explain my love of Jar Jar Binks and why I wasn’t very impressed with all the 3-D hoopla. My hope though is that they do all of them again with the new effects, the third one, with the fire planet will be pretty amazing, it was without 3-D so I am looking forward to seeing that someday and knowing George Lucas, it’s just a matter of time.

All in all, it was an awesome date night, wrapped up with some Tetris with the two people I love most. This really is the life; I am completely and absolutely blessed. Now we just have to get rid of this crappy, half-assed winter so we can get back to our date nights at the beach watching fireworks. When we left the theater, it was snowing, in 3-D; we skipped and frolicked in 3-D; now I am officially ready for winter to be over.

2/22/2012 3:18 AM